Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Concept Map - Jumanji


Grade 4: Make connections between the text of a
story or drama and a
visual or oral presentation of the
text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.

I.   Read the Story

As a class, read Jumanji. When we are finished reading, we will conduct a classroom discussion.
-What was your favorite part of the book?
-What did you like and dislike about the book and why?
-Who was your favorite character?
We will continue the discussion by asking why certain things happened to certain characters, and discussing the setting and plot.

A.   Read Jumanji as a class.

B.   Conduct a classroom discussion about the book.

II.  Watch the Movie

As a class, we will take a day or two to watch the movie. During the movie the students will be given a worksheet with specific questions about the movie to help them look for key points and stay focused.

A.    Watch Jumanji as a class.

B.    Complete a movie-guide worksheet.

III. Worksheet

Students will complete two worksheets to help them identify the similarities and differences between the book and the movie. The worksheet will also include questions about what seemed important to the author based on what he focused in on; and what seemed important to the movie-makers based on what they kept, changed, and emphasized on in the movie.

A.    Complete a Venn Diagram to gather thoughts.

B.    Complete a worksheet-questionnaire.

IV.  Book Review

Students will create their own opinion of the book, and write a book review in a Google document to have it published online. We will view samples of student book reviews as a class and discuss which ones are good reviews, and which are bad reviews. In the book review, students need to discuss the hook, a summary, and whether they would recommend this book to a friend or not, and why. With the assistance of the teacher, students will then create their own blog online, and upload their book review to their blog.

A.    Write your own book review.

B.    As a class, upload your review to your blog.

V.   Act It Out

In small groups, students will pick a number and based on that number, choose their favorite part of the book to act out. In groups, the students will pick a "director" to keep the group calm, not to boss around. As a group, the students will decide who will play which characters, write a script for their part, and pick costumes. When they are ready and have everything together, the students will record their part of the play on a video camera with the help of the teacher. When all of the groups have finished their part, we will have a movie day to watch our movie all together.

A.    In small groups, pick your part of the book.

1.    Pick characters and parts.

2.    Write a script.

3.    Pick Costumes.

B.    In groups, act out your assigned part of the book.


  1. I really liked how you used Jumanji, a book that most young children have never heard of. I liked that you included so many diverse and engaging activities. I also thought that using a blog is a great way to help students and parents visualize the work that they do! Another idea for a writing piece could be to have the students write a paper comparing and contrasting the movie and book.

  2. Worksheets for grade 4 is really good because otherwise I think they would get distracted. I think that the acting activity is the best way to end this. It gives the children something fun and exciting to look forward to at the end of the week.

  3. I really like all of your activities, especially the last one! Your concept map is also very organized, and you did a great job!

  4. I think that 4th graders will love the topic of Jumanji. It will capture there interest. Maybe add an interactive game or something, but I like your incorporation of the blog.

  5. This is a good idea to do. Watching the movie along with filling out a worksheet will have them paying attention a little more. A short book review help as well. Compare and contrast the movie and book is a great way to pick out differences.

  6. This is a fun activity! Love the movie but have never read the book. I think your fourth graders would have fun with this. It's a great writing activity to follow up reading literature. I also LOVE the performance arts portion of this activity. Great job!!

  7. Good idea to give a worksheet during the movie so that the students stay focued in the movie and not fall asleep! Your discussion questions go well with your standard also! I love the acting out of the book! It brings creativity and excitement into learning!

  8. I like how you allowed the students to pick a part of the book to act out within their groups.

  9. I loved Jumanji as a kid, and feel like your students would as well. It's a really interesting story with a lot to work with. Good idea to put a worksheet with the movie to keep the students focused. Very constructive ideas as well with the activities. Acting out would be really fun for students as well.

  10. I really like that you used Jumanji because I think it is a perfect book to get students' imaginations rolling while still accomplishing the standard and learning from it. I think it will keep students interested because it really is a cool, interesting book and movie. I also like your students doing a review on it and posting on a blog because I think it incorporates the technology in a cool way that the students will like without it being too tedious.

  11. I like your concept map and the activities that you have chosen. I really like having them create their own book reviews and publishing them online and also reading others and identifying the good and the bad ones. I also like acting it out. It seems fun! I'm sure your fourth graders will like it.

  12. I like the worksheet that keeps them on track with the movie! The book review idea is a great idea to have them form their own opinions. Creating the blog is a great idea as well. If I were a kid, I would have loved acting out this book! And it's a great exercise so that they can socialize and interact with one another.

  13. Love the idea of acting it out!

  14. Class Discussion. Worksheet to make sure the students are paying attention. Easy questions, but maybe application questions such as how the book is different than the book. Book Review... Good! Publishing online is good as well as giving examples of how everything should be done. Blogs, yay! Acting it out is always entertaining.

  15. You had a good balance of fun activities and work sheets. They are going to love this topic!

  16. I like all of your ideas and I think the students will really enjoy all of your activities.

  17. I love the blog idea. Great way to incorporate technology. Great job!

  18. I really liked the act it out section and that all of the students' acting will be put together to form their own version of the movie.

  19. I think your assignments will be good for fourth graders. The book review should be challenging for them, which is good. Maybe you could have the students do the Venn Diagram on the computer.

  20. Your concept map is organize and clear. All of the activities are well planned and it is great to expose children to a different type movie genre besides cartoons. Also, the blog is a great idea. It keeps the parents and students involved even outside of the classroom.
