Monday, December 9, 2013

Kids Can't Compute -- And That's A Problem

Summary: This article discusses the restrictions that Post-PC Technology is placing on young adults in our modern day. The author describes that using a computer when they were first becoming popular was much harder and more demanding back then than it is now. Younger generations are considered "Digital Natives" who have no issues when using technology. The author, however, describes that with easy technology comes less of a drive and a desire to learn. Younger generations don't need to know the building blocks of a PC, and do not understand the effects that using certain applications will have on their future. The solution, as confronted by the author, is for managers to watch out for education gaps and train the employees who need it.

Opinion: I can certainly see where the author is coming from with his concern that younger generations do not posses the knowledge that older generations understand about technology. However, as our world and use of technology is evolving, so is the way that we use it. Younger generations are still being taught what we need to know in order to succeed with technology in the real world. The people who are creating this more "user-friendly" technology are doing us a favor. We can put more time in to making a project just right or adjusting it to fit the situation rather than focusing on switching from one application to another. There is still a basic need to understand the way that technology works, but that comes from education from teachers and family members.

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